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Chapter 3 Unit 1: Section 5 'Fun: What's Missing?', English For Nusantara VII SMP

Pada section 5 - Fun: What's missing? buku English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak mengerjakan worksheet 3.7. - Halo, Kids, kali ini kamu akan melanjutkan materi Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) bahasa Inggris kelas VII SMP.

Dalam buku English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak melanjutkan pembahasan tentang chapter 3 Unit 1 section 5 di hlm. 112.

Pada artikel BDR sebelumnya kamu sudah membahas section 4 tentang reading.

Nah, di section 5 kali ini kamu akan masuk ke Fun Time: What's Missing?

Kamu diminta mengerjakan worksheet 3.7 dan melengkapi gambar masing-masing.

Kamu diminta bertanya dan memberi informasi tentang objek-objek yang ada di dalam ruangan dan melihat objek mana yang enggak kamu lihat di gambarmu.

1. Dining Room

This is a dining room. There is a dining table with 4 chair. There is four plate on the table.

This is a dining room. There is a dining table with 4 chair. There are four plat and four glasses on the table.

Baca Juga: Chapter 3 : Unit 1 English For Nusantara 'Home Sweet Home', Bahasa Inggris VII SMP

2. Galang's Room

This is Galang's room. There are galang's bed with head pillow, one bolster, and blanket on it.

Next to bed, there are study desk with book on it and one chair.

This is Galang's room. There are galang's bed with head pillow, one bolster, and blanket on it.

Next to bed, there are study desk and a chair, there is also one picture hanging on the wall.

Next to the study desk there is a closet that use for put all the galang's belonging, like uniform, clothes, and etc.

3. Garage

This is a garage. There is a motorcycle park there.

Baca Juga: Chapter 3 Unit 1: Section 2- 3 'Listening', English For Nusantara VII SMP

The garage door is made from wood and look's like a flipping when it's open.

In the same garage there is a mini cupboard without anything on it.

This is a garage. There is a car park there.

The garage door is opened when you lift it above.

In the same garage there is a mini cupboard with pair of baby blue shoes place there.

4. Porch

This is a porch. There are two chairs and one tiny desk with flower vase there.There is one door made froom wood.

This is a porch. There are two chairs and one tiny desk with flower vase on it. There are two windows there.

What's student A see on the picture of galang's house garage?
Hint, check again page 2.


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