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Chapter 3 Unit 1: Section 5 'Fun: What's Missing?', English For Nusantara VII SMP

Pada section 5 - Fun: What's missing? buku English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak mengerjakan worksheet 3.7.

The garage door is made from wood and look's like a flipping when it's open.

In the same garage there is a mini cupboard without anything on it.

This is a garage. There is a car park there.

The garage door is opened when you lift it above.

In the same garage there is a mini cupboard with pair of baby blue shoes place there.

4. Porch

This is a porch. There are two chairs and one tiny desk with flower vase there.There is one door made froom wood.

This is a porch. There are two chairs and one tiny desk with flower vase on it. There are two windows there.

What's student A see on the picture of galang's house garage?
Hint, check again page 2.


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