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Chapter 3 Unit 1: Section 5 'Fun: What's Missing?', English For Nusantara VII SMP

Pada section 5 - Fun: What's missing? buku English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak mengerjakan worksheet 3.7.

2. Galang's Room

This is Galang's room. There are galang's bed with head pillow, one bolster, and blanket on it.

Next to bed, there are study desk with book on it and one chair.

This is Galang's room. There are galang's bed with head pillow, one bolster, and blanket on it.

Next to bed, there are study desk and a chair, there is also one picture hanging on the wall.

Next to the study desk there is a closet that use for put all the galang's belonging, like uniform, clothes, and etc.

3. Garage

This is a garage. There is a motorcycle park there.

Baca Juga: Chapter 3 Unit 1: Section 2- 3 'Listening', English For Nusantara VII SMP