- Hi, Kids, this time you will return to study with various examples of regional language vocabulary with GridKids.
In the previous GridKids article, you have been invited to learn together various Kutai language vocabulary that starts with the letter E and its meaning.
This time you will be invited to learn together various Kutai language vocabulary beginning with the letter G and its meaning.
Let's take a look at the Kutai language vocabulary with its meaning.
Kutai Vocabulary Beginning with G and Meaning
1. Gadan = behavior
2. Gadoh = rowdy
3. Gaer = scared
4. Gaet = pull
5. Gallant = strong and energetic
6. Gaha = repel
Also Read: Learn Regional Languages: Kutai Vocabulary Beginning with the Alphabet D and Its Meaning
7. Gahong = a big and heavy voice
8. Stir = stir
9. Gamah = grope
10. Gamit = touch
11. Buckle = hook
12. Hang = hang
13. Gaok = behavior
14. Garak = fall
15. Garau = mites
16. Dry = dry
17. Garit = scratch
Also Read: Learn Regional Languages: Kutai Language Vocabulary Beginning with the Alphabet C and Its Meaning
18. Gasak = hit
19. Gawal = happy feeling
20. Gaius = gored wound
21. Gedang = papaya fruit
22. Urgent = urgent
23. Geges = scratch
24. Gelana = not satisfied
25. Gelepong = flour
26. Gelong = bun
27. Fat = fat
28. Gepar = geger or a lot of people
Also Read: Learn Regional Languages: Kutai Vocabulary Beginning with the Alphabet B and Meaning
29. Genang = remember
30. Gepet = close
Well, Kids, that's a few examples of Kutai language vocabulary beginning with the letter G complete with its meaning.
Hope to increase the vocabulary of your local language, yes!
Query: |
What is the Kutai language 'nervous'? |
Hint, check page 1 again. |
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