18. Gasak = hit
19. Gawal = happy feeling
20. Gaius = gored wound
21. Gedang = papaya fruit
22. Urgent = urgent
23. Geges = scratch
24. Gelana = not satisfied
25. Gelepong = flour
26. Gelong = bun
27. Fat = fat
28. Gepar = geger or a lot of people
Also Read: Learn Regional Languages: Kutai Vocabulary Beginning with the Alphabet B and Meaning
29. Genang = remember
30. Gepet = close
Well, Kids, that's a few examples of Kutai language vocabulary beginning with the letter G complete with its meaning.
Hope to increase the vocabulary of your local language, yes!
Query: |
What is the Kutai language 'nervous'? |
Hint, check page 1 again. |
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