3. Can't see the wood for the trees = You can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved.
(Kamu enggak bisa melihat keseluruhan situasi secara jelas karena kamu melihat detail kecil dengan terlalu dekat, atau kamu terlalu terlibat dekat)
4. Everything's coming up roses = if everything is turning out very well for someone or for something
(Jika segalanya berjalan sangat lancar untuk seseorang atau sesuatu)
5. Fresh as a daisy = You feel energetic and lively
(Kamu merasa bersemangat dan sangat hidup)
6. Go out on a limb = you put yourself in a risky position in order to support someone or something
(Kamu menempatkan dirimu di posisi yang berbahaya untuk mendukung seseorang atau sesuatu)
7. Make hay while the sun shines = You make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts.
(Kamu menggunakan kesempatan baik untuk melakukan sesuatu selagi ada)
8. Nip it in the bud = You stop a problem from becoming serious by dealing with it as soon as you notice it
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Penulis | : | Ayu Ma'as |
Editor | : | Danastri Putri |