Gunung Merapi termasuk jenis gunung berapi kerucut, dan jika ditinjau secara geografis, terletak di Klaten, Boyolali, Magelang (Jawa Tengah), dan Kabupaten Sleman (DIY). Sebagai gunung yang sering erupsi, tentu memberikan nilai yang positif dan negatif bagi warga sekitar. Negatifnya, setiap erupsi datang, mereka harus mengungsi, namun untuk lahan pertanian di sana sangat subur. Terakhir Gunung Merapi mengalami erupsi pada 1 Juni 2020.
Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is one of the favorite tourist destinations in East Java. Not only local tourists, but tourists from abroad also come to watch the beautiful sunrise from Bromo.
Bromo is known as one of the main tourist attractions in East Java, so it is not surprising that this place is visited by many tourists. This place is located in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, precisely in the east of Malang city. The beauty of this mountain has attracted the attention of visitors from abroad to come here. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event. The tourists who come are willing to wait starting from 05.00 so as not to miss this special moment. When the sky is clear, you can see the sun. First, the sun looks like a match, slowly zooming in until it forms a full circle and brightens. Very beautiful scenery.
Mount Bromo is located on the border of Malang and Probolinggo, East Java. This mountain is one of the tallest mountains. Its height is 2,392 meters above sea level. This mountain is included in several districts, namely Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, and Lumajang.
The sea of sand in these mountains is about 10 m2. This makes the scenery so stunning that many local and world tourists who deliberately travel to enjoy this natural beauty. Mount Bromo has a very long history, perhaps related to simple graffiti. But in short, the name Bromo comes from the Sanskrit language which means Brahma (one of the Hindu gods), because the majority of Indonesians at that time were Hindus. Mount Bromo has erupted dozens of times.
The temperature on this mountain reaches 10 degrees to 0 degrees Celsius even in the morning. So, the tourists who come must prepare complete clothes such as beanie hats, gloves, socks, scarves to overcome them. But if there are visitors who forget to bring their equipment, there will be many vendors offering goods in the form of hats, gloves, or scarves.
This mountain is quite famous for its beautiful sunset and sunrise views. Another place around Mount Bromo that is suitable to see the sunrise is the hill in front of the mountain. This is a great view to enjoy the sunset and sunrise. On this hill, visitors can enjoy views of the mountain from the other side and of course can enjoy the beautiful sea of sand.
Wisata Gunung Bromo
Gunung Bromo merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata favorit di Jawa Timur. Tidak hanya wisatawan lokal, tetapi turis dari mancanegara juga datang untuk menyaksikan matahari terbit yang indah dari Bromo.
Baca Juga: Nama-Nama Bentang Alam dalam Bahasa Inggris, Sungai hingga Gunung
Source | : | |
Penulis | : | Heni Widiastuti |
Editor | : | Grid Kids |