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20 Contoh Normal Phrase dan Idiomatic Phrase dalam Bahasa Inggris

Di artikel kali ini kamu akan diajak belajar bersama tentang normal dan idiomatic phrase dalam bahasa Inggris. Apa saja contohnya, ya?

9. To relax = to let your hair down

10. To understand = to get the picture

11. To get married = to tie the knot

12. To be undecided = to sit on the fence

13. To be busy = to be swamped

14. To reveal a secret = to spill the beans

15. To make a decision = to take the plunge

16. Very happy = over the moon

17. Very easy = a piece of cake

18. Very tired = worn out

19. Very quickly = in a heartbeat

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Frasa Avoiding Wordiness dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya (3)

20. Very expensive = costs an arm and a leg

Nah, Kids, itulah tadi beberapa contoh normal dan idiomatic phrase dalam bahasa Inggris.

Semoga menambah pengetahuan bahasa Inggrismu, ya!


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