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Jawab Soal Worksheet 2.8 dan 2.9, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Chapter 2 Unit 2 Section 3

Ugly ducklings bertemu dengan beberapa hewan di peternakan, mulai dari ayam, anjing, dan sapi. - Halo, Kids, kali ini kamu akan diajak masuk ke materi Bahasa Inggris dalam buku English For Nusantara kelas VIII SMP.

Nah, kali ini kamu akan diajak belajar bersama chapter 2 Unit 2 Section 3: Reading di halaman 91.

Kamu diajak melihat kosa kata bahasa Inggris dalam kotak, seperti berikut:

- care (base form)/cared (past form) = peduli

- exclaim (base form)/exclaimed (past form) = berseru

- greet (base form)/greeted (past form) = menyapa

- land (base form)/landed (past form) = mendarat

- sniff (base form)/sniffed (past form) = mengendus

- grown-up = dewasa

- honest = jujur

- hungry = lapar

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Worksheet 1.17, Buku Bahasa Inggris English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Unit 3 Section 3

- nervous = gelisah

- shame = malu

- tired = lelah

- politely = dengan sopan

- pond = kolam

- reflection = bayangan

Which statements are true based on the story? Number one has been done for you.

1. The Ugly Duckling went away from the Mother Duck and the yellow ducklings. (TRUE)

2. He met two baby chickens. (FALSE)

3. The chickens were very friendly to him. (FALSE)

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Worksheet 1.16, Buku Bahasa Inggris English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Unit 3 Section 2

4. A dog chased the Ugly Duckling. (TRUE)

5. The Ugly Duckling felt shy around the dog. (FALSE)

6. A cow made the Ugly Duckling feel heartbroken. (TRUE)

7. The Ugly Duckling was scared of the big white birds. (FALSE)

8. The Ugly Duckling became happy at the end. (TRUE)

Your Turn: Read the story again. Do the instructions.

1. The Ugly Duckling asked the chickens politely (line 3). Circle the word that tells you this.

Answer: "Can I please stay here?" asked the Ugly Duckling politely.

2. The Ugly Duckling had two feelings when meeting the hungry dog: scared and heartbroken (lines 8 and 10). Circle the words that showed the Ugly Duckling's feelings.

Answer: The Ugly Duckling was scared. The dog sniffed and sniffed at him, then turned away.

Baca Juga: Chapter 1 Unit 2: Your Turn - Reading Page 50-51, Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

"I am too ugly even for the big hungry dog to want," said the Ugly Duckling. He felt heartbroken.

3. Pause at line 12. How many farms did the Ugly Duckling come into so far?

Answer: Three, chickens farm; farm with dog, cow farm.

4. What animals made the Ugly Duckling feel heartbroken so far? Circle the last animal.

Answer: Cow (sapi)

5. Describe how the big white birds recognized the Ugly Duckling (line 23).

Answer: The beautiful white birds looked at him. It made the Ugly Duckling feel nervous. Suddenly, the biggest white bird exclaimed, "Hey, look, we have another swan here"


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