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Jawab Soal Worksheet 2.8 dan 2.9, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Chapter 2 Unit 2 Section 3

Ugly ducklings bertemu dengan beberapa hewan di peternakan, mulai dari ayam, anjing, dan sapi.

"I am too ugly even for the big hungry dog to want," said the Ugly Duckling. He felt heartbroken.

3. Pause at line 12. How many farms did the Ugly Duckling come into so far?

Answer: Three, chickens farm; farm with dog, cow farm.

4. What animals made the Ugly Duckling feel heartbroken so far? Circle the last animal.

Answer: Cow (sapi)

5. Describe how the big white birds recognized the Ugly Duckling (line 23).

Answer: The beautiful white birds looked at him. It made the Ugly Duckling feel nervous. Suddenly, the biggest white bird exclaimed, "Hey, look, we have another swan here"


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