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Reading: Expressions for Congratulate Other People's Success, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Kali ini kamu akan diajak mengenal beberapa expressions untuk memberi selamat (congratulate) kepada orang lain atas kesuksesannya. Apa saja?

Jawab: we congratulating people when they had success life because we wants to acknowledge their works that is not easy.

5. When do we congratulate people?

Jawab: When people do good with their works.

6. What are the expressions commonly used to congratulate people?

Jawab: congratulations.

Cita memenangkan juara pertama di kompetisi membacakan cerita di sekolahnya. Teman baiknya menyelamatinya.

1. What good news about Dita does Ditto know?

Jawab: Cita won the first winner of the story telling competition.

2. What does Ditto say to Dita related to the news?

Jawab: 'Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of the school story telling competition! Excellent. You really did it well.

Baca Juga: GRAMMAR REVIEW- Several Types of Pronouns, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

3. What do the expressions mean?

Jawab: the expressions means to congratulated friends for their achievement.

4. What is Ditto's purpose of saying that to Dita?

Jawab: Ditto wants to tell Dita that her achievement came from her excellent capability to wins competition.

5. How does Dita respond to what Ditto says?

Jawab: 'Thanks, Ditto'

6. When do you think you will say'congratulations' to other people?

Jawab: when people do a good work and reach their goals, we need to appreciate their works properly.


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