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Reading: Expressions for Congratulate Other People's Success, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Kali ini kamu akan diajak mengenal beberapa expressions untuk memberi selamat (congratulate) kepada orang lain atas kesuksesannya. Apa saja?

1. Why do all of those people congratulate Alif?

Jawab: Because everyone know that Alif work really hard to be in his position now.

2. What expressions do they use to congratulate Alif?

Jawab: - Alif congratulations. You deserved it, Man

- That's wonderful, Alif

- Good for you. Good luck

- Well done

- That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement

- Please accept my warmest congratulations, Sir

- I must congratulate you on your success

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Grammar Exercise hlm. 14-16, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA