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Chapter 5 Unit 3: Section 4 'Viewing and Writing' hlm. 237-238, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Pameran seni di sekolah adalah salah satu wadah untuk menunjukkan bakat dan minat siswa. - Hai, Kids, pada artikel Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) English For Nusantara VII SMP kali ini kamu akan diajak melihat section baru, nih.

Pada artikel BDR sebelumnya kamu sudah masuk di section 3 tentang Language Focus, Kids.

Nah, di artikel kali ini kamu akan masuk ke Section 4 tentang Viewing and Writing di halaman 237 - 238.

Di halaman 237 terdapat gambar 5.12 tentang pameran di sekolah.

Selanjutnya kamu akan mengerjakan worksheet bersama-sama dengan GridKids, nih.

Yuk, simak uraian lengkap jawaban worksheetnya di bawah ini, ya.

Worksheet 5.18

Name of the room: The Art Room

The size: Big room

The object: There is a regisration desk, there is display room, and there is craft stall.

The activity: - registration for the guest, exhibition of painting and statue, displaying student's craft stall.

Baca Juga: Chapter 5 Unit 3: Section 1 dan 2 di hlm. 231-233, English For Nusantara VII SMP

Worksheet 5.19

c. Write the details about the room in Worksheet 5.19

- Identification - The name of the room

"Art Room"

- Description Feature 1 - The Size

The size of the art room is big, because it used to be the place to held a school exhibition every year.

- Description Feature 2 - The Object

There is a big desk for registration, walls, display for statue, and also desk for displaying craft for sell.

- Description Feature 3 - The Activity

When the school exhibition started, the guest needs to do some registration first before come inside and see all the art display.

There is also a corner for the guest who wants to buy crafts there with good quality and nice price.

What kind of objects in the art room for school exhibition?
Hint, check again page 1.


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