It could also be that the sugar and salt that is used is too high and exceeds our body's daily consumption of sugar and salt.
Not only can it have an effect in the short term, but it can be detrimental to the body in the long term.
Therefore, I think it's better to ensure that the food we consume is healthy food.
After knowing the nutrients in food, we can process these healthy food ingredients as well as possible so that they become food that is not only healthy but also delicious.
Consuming foods high in sugar and salt is not prohibited as long as it is not done regularly or excessively.
Meanwhile, healthy food must be consumed regularly in everyday life.
2. Apa yang didahulukan saat kamu memilih untuk mengonsumsi makanan, harus sehat atau enak? Mengapa?
Jawaban: Aku akan memilih makanan yang sehat.
Makanan sehat enggak harus makanan yang enggak harus tidak enak.
Banyak makanan sehat yang bisa diolah menjadi makanan yang sangat lezat dan kaya nutrisi.
Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan 'Cendol', Chapter IV Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA