- Hai, Kids, kali ini kamu akan kembali belajar bersama materi Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP.
Di artikel GridKids sebelumnya kamu sudah diajak belajar bersama materi di worksheet 5.15 di halaman 274-275.
Kali ini kamu akan masuk ke section 4: Writing di halaman 276.
Cerita tentang make up di Unit 1, Mirza di Unit 2, dan masuk dalam Band di Unit 3 adalah contoh-contoh cerita imaginatif atau narasi imajinatif.
Mereka punya karakter-karakter dan masalah yang mungkin sama dengan apa yang kita alami di kehidupan sehari-hari kita.
Sebuah teks naratif menghibur para pembacanya melalui eksplorasi atas pengalaman-pengalaman manusia, seperti perasaan bahagia, perasaan sedih, juga harapan.
Kali ini kamu diajak mengerjakan worksheet 5.16 di halaman 277-278.
Yuk, simak uraian jawaban yang bisa membantumu mengisi tabel di bagian C!
Worksheet 5.16
C. With a classmate, complete the following table with the elements of the story "Mirza".
1. Orientation
Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 5.14 Page 272-273, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP
Function: Introducing time, locantion, also the characters in the story.
Example: One Friday afternoon on a small street with very few cars passing by called Gang Pelita, Abay drew lines with a piece of stone to create a soccer field.
The others took their positions after dividing themselves into two teams.
Mirza, Abay, and Dita were one team, taking the left side of the field. Raka, Amel, and Pitra were on the other team.
- Time: Friday afternoon
- Place: Gang Pelita
- Characters: Mirza, Abay, Dita, Raka, Amel, dan Pitra
2. Complication
Function: Showing the conflict(S) or problem (s) in the story
Example: While everyone was so eager to defend and score, Mirza felt confused with his role as a keeper.
Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 5.13 Page 268-269, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP
He ran left, then to the right, clumsily leaving the goal area empty. The next thing he knew, the other team already scored.
They took some rest under the shades of a tall building on the street.
"You were no use, Mirza. You can't play football," Dita said.
"I think he guarded the goal area well," replied Abay.
"But he didn't know what to do in the game. He was just running here and there," Dita said sternly.
Mirza didn't say anything. He kept silent until the boys went home to their houses. It was not the first time Dita said as such.
Problem: Mirza felt confused with his own role as a keeper of the team.
3. Resolution
Function: Giving the Solution (s) for the conflict(s)/problem(s)
Example: A month later, there was a mandatory soccer match in that region. Mirza was grouped with Dita, Abay, Raka, Amel, and Pitra.
Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 5.12 dan Section 6 Page 267, Buku English for Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP
At first, they underestimated Mirza's skill, but he proved them wrong. He helped his team to win with his awesome skill as a midfielder.
He could pass the ball accurately so that Dita, the forward, could score for the team. Everyone cheered for Mirza, including Dita.
"I'm sorry for underestimating you, Mirza. I should have not pushed you to be a goalkeeper. You are such a great midfielder!" praised Dita.
Mirza smiled and said "That's okay. Let's practice together to become a greater team.”
Resolution: Mirza could prove that he was a good soccer player.
Itulah tadi pembahasaN soal untuk worksheet 5.16 halaman 277-278 di Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP.
Jangan lupa kunjungi juga akun youtube GridKids untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi visual dalam bentuk video dan shorts yang bisa menambah wawasanmu, Kids!
Source | : | Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia |
Penulis | : | Ayu Ma'as |
Editor | : | Danastri Putri |