2. Due to the bad weather, the game was canceled (Karena cuaca buruk, pertandingan dibatalkan).
3. He had three days off school due to illness (Dia mendapat libur sekolah tiga hari karena sakit).
4. Traffic was slow due to accident (Lalu lintas menjadi lambat karena kecelakaan).
5. Many animals lose their home due to deforestation (Banyak hewan kehilangan rumahnya karena penggundulan).
6. The mountain is closed due to health hazard from eruption (Gunung ditutip karena bahaya kesehatan akibat letusan).
7. The delay was due to heavy traffic (Penundaan dikarenakan lalu lintas padat).
8. I could not come to your house due to rain (Saya tidak bisa datang ke rumahmu karena hujan).
9. Due to water scarcity, peoples are suffering from disease such as cholera and typhoid fever (Karena kelangkaan air, orang-orang menderita penyakit seoerti kolera dan tifus).
10. The event was canceled due to heavy rain (Acara tersebut dibatalkan karena hujan lebat).
11. My headaches are due to stress (Sakit kepala saya dikarenakan stres).
12. His success was due to his hardwork (Kesuksesannya karena kerja kerasnya).
Baca Juga: 20 Nama Alat Transportasi dalam Bahasa Inggris, Sepeda hingga Pesawat
Source | : | Kompas.com |
Penulis | : | Heni Widiastuti |
Editor | : | Danastri Putri |