5. He does homework right after school - He limit his screen time so he won't wasting his time.
e. Worksheet 4.32
Observe the following structure of a descriptive text about Andre's study habits. Complete the text.
Feature 1 - Study Goals
For his study success, first, he setsstudy goals. He often developsa study plan.
He regularly writesdown homework assignments and breaksdown the assignment into smaller tasks.
He always doeshomework right after school.
He believes he can achieve his goals by doing these small steps.
Feature 2 - Time Management
Second, he manages his time well.
He usually makesa schedule and uses a weekly to-do list to keep him on track.
He also plansa specific time for studying.
He frequently setsreminders on his cellphone or on sticky notes. He doesn't like wasting time so he limitshis screen time, too.
What is Andre's study habbit that keep him on track?
Hint, check again page 1.
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