- Halo, Kids, kembali lagi bersama GridKids untuk membahas bersama materi Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) bahasa Inggris kelas VII SMP.
Dalam buku English For Nusantara VII SMP sebelumnya kamu sudah membahas Section 3 tentang Reading and Viewing di hlm. 176-177, ya.
Nah, kali ini kamu akan melanjutkan pembahasan materi di Section 4 tentang Language Focus di hlm. 178 -179.
Pada pembelajaran daring, terkadang guru kita meminta kita melakukan sesuatu, seperti "matikan microfon", "nyalakan kamera", atau "tolong lebih tenang".
Guru mungkin akan mengatakan "could you..." or "could you please..." pada permulaan permintaan mereka yang digunakan di situasi formal.
Kadang, kamu akan mendengar expression lainnya seperti "can you..." atau "can you please..." yang biasanya digunakan di situasi informal.
Di halaman 178 ada sebuah tabel yang mengungkap tentang expressions beserta fungsi dan contohnya.
Simak sama-sama tabelnya lalu kerjakan worksheet di hlm. 179, yuk!
Worksheet 4.19
a. Put the words in each number into the correct order to make the request. Number one has been done for you.
1. send - link - can - the - you -?
Baca Juga: Chapter 4 Unit 2 : Section 2 'Reading and Viewing' hlm. 176-177, English For Nusantara VII SMP
Can you send the link?
2. turn - microphone - could - the - you? - on
Could you turn on the microphone?
3. ? - can - read - I - your - text
Can i read your text?
4. Could - write - answer - you - your - in - box - chat - the - ?
Could you write your answer in the chat box?
5. you - the - picture - ? - in - group - our - share - can
Can you share the picture in our group?
Worksheet 4.20
b. Write a request for each situation. Use the underlined phrases.
Baca Juga: Chapter 4 Unit 2 : Section 2 'Reading and Viewing', hlm. 172-175, English For Nusantara VII SMP
Change the pronouns if necessary. Number one has been done for you.
1. You ask your friend to send a infographic file.
Your request: Can you send an infographic file?
2. You request your classmate to send a copy of the class schedule to you.
Your request: Can you send a copy of the class schedule to me?
3. You ask a friend to unmute his microphone.
Your request: Can you unmute your microphone?
4. You request your teacher to help you how to do the homework.
Your request: Sir, could you please help me doing my homework?
5. You ask your classmate to reply to your chat quickly.
Your request: Can you reply to my chat quickly?
Question: |
What's the function of expression "could you...?" and "could you please...?" |
Hint, check again page 1. |
Ayo kunjungi dan baca artikel-artikel pelajaran untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar dan menambah pengetahuanmu. Makin pintar belajar ditemani, dunia pelajaran anak Indonesia.
Source | : | Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia |
Penulis | : | Ayu Ma'as |
Editor | : | Danastri Putri |