1. Format pertama penulisan tanggal:
Format penulisan tanggal ini biasanya ditemukan di surat undangan, surat resmi, surat kedinasan, dan sebagainya.
- British: Twelve of November, 2021
- American: November the twelve, 2021
2. Format Kedua penulisan tanggal:
- British: 1st March 2021 (First March two thousand and one)
- American: March, 22nd 2021 (March twenty-second two thousand one)
Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat dan Rumus Present Continuous Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh penulisan angka dan cara membacanya:
1st: first, 2nd: second, 3rd: third, 4th: fourth, 5th: fifth, 6th: sixth, 10th: tenth, 21st: twenty-first, 22nd: twenty-second, 23rd: twenty-third, 24th: twenty-fourth, 30th: thirtieth 31st: thirty-first.
Penulis | : | Putu Bagoes |
Editor | : | Danastri Putri |