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Jawaban Soal Worksheet 5.10 Page 262-264, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP

Di artikel GridKids kali ini kamu akan diajak mengerjakan worksheet 5.10 di halaman 262-264 buku English for Nusantara kelas VIII SMP.

- Part 3: Mirza, Pak RT, Siti, Abay, Raka, Amelia, and Pitra

3. Circle the words that could describe how Mirza was feeling in each part. You can choose more than one word.


Part 1: worried, clumsy, distressed

Part 2: upset, sad, hopeful

Part 3: sad, hopeful, happy

4. Each part of the story has been summarized below. Put the summaries in order by writing 1-7 in the boxes on the left.

Answer: g-1, f-2, c-3, a-4, e-5, b-6, d-7

5. What do you learn from the story?


Part 1 - We have to always watch our words for other people.

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 5.6 Page 254, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP

Part 2 - There'll always a way out on every problems.

Part 3 - If we have some friends that look troubled, we should not underestimated them, maybe they need more time.

6. What is the best title for the story?

Answer: c. I want to be a good soccer player.

Nah, Kids, itulah tadi beberapa contoh referensi jawaban untuk worksheet 5.10 di halaman 262-264 buku English For Nusantara kelas VIII SMP. Semoga membantumu, ya!


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