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Jawab Soal Worksheet 5.5 Page 250-251, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP

Kamu diajak membahas bersama berbagai contoh jawaban untuk worksheet 5.5 di halaman 250-251. Apa saja?

9. Narrator 1: She turned away to do her work, humming a song that was overplayed by the radio. Apparently, not aware of how much her words had hurt me.

Feelings, intonation: Feelings of unacceptability, feel wronged.

10. Narrator 2: Dear girl who I sat next to for one music class. Maybe someday I'll carefully conceal my dents, my scratches, my lines.

Feelings, intonation: Gentle tone.

11. Narrator 3: Maybe someday I'll "prettify" my face.

Feelings, intonation: Hopeful tone.

12. Narrator 1: Maybe someday, but for now, I'll learn how to embrace every imperfection, flaw, and part of me that needs to be painted away.

Feelings, intonation: Energetic tone and full of sincerity.

13. All Narrators: Maybe someday.

Feelings, intonation: The tone was soft and reassuring.

Itulah tadi beberapa referensi jawaban untuk worksheet 5.5 di halaman 250-251, buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP. Semoga bermanfaat, ya!


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