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Jawab Soal Worksheet 4.25 dan 4.26 Page 230, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP

Plastik perlu waktu yang sangat lama sampai teruraikan. Inilah kenapa kamu dianjurkan pakai tas yang bisa dipergunakan berkali-kali.

- The campaign educates about the danger of plastic

- BBPB cleans beaches and provides alternative bags

2. Event 2

- BBPB team speaks at local and international events

- BBPB shares solutions to the plastic problem

- BBPB team creates a plastic bag-free village and lobbies with local and national governments

- BBPB delivers school presentations and workshops

Worksheet 4.26

d. Think of a final comment for the event. The comment can be an evalution or an emotional response to the event as a whole. Complete the sentence in the following table.

The Bye Bye Plastic Bags (BBPB) campaign is truly inspiring, showing how even young activists can make a significant impact in the fight against plastic pollution.

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 4.19 Page 222-223, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP