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Jawab Soal Worksheet 4.13, 4.14, dan 4.15 Page 213-214, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP

Kali ini kamu akan diajak membahas bersama worksheet 4.13, 4.14, dan 4.15. Seperti apa jawabannya?

Answer: They made sure by extracting a couple of centimeters of the object.

4. did to extract the object out of the turtle's nose?

Answer: They used a pair of pliers.

5. How long did pulling the straw out of the turtle's nostril?

Answer: They spent almost ten minutes.

Instructions: Complete the following questions with (1) a correct Wh-question, (2) a subject (in bold) and (3) a base form of the verb (underlined) to answer the italicized phrases in the answers column.

1. immediately?

Answer: They removed the object immediately.

2. the object immediately?

Answer: They removed it immediately because they were far away in the ocean.

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Worksheet 4.6 dan 4.7 Page 196-197, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP