Air sungai meluber dan menyebabkan banjir yang merendam pemukiman warga.
Warga harus mengungsi karena rumahnya yang kebanjiran.
Banjir bisa menyebarkan berbagai bahaya penyakit jika terjadi untuk waktu yang lama.
2. What kind of trash do you see in the pictures?
Answer: There is a plastic, food trash, lot of carton box.
3. Where do you think the trash will end up? Will it be going to the ocean?
Answer: Yep, if all those trash doesn't really going to the right place, in the end the trash will go to the ocean and make the ocean look dirty.
4. Can this trash cause a flood?
Answer: yes, especially in rainy season.
Itulah tadi berbagai jawaban referensi berdasar gambar di halaman 183 buku English For Nusantara kelas VIII SMP.
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