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Jawab Soal Progress Check Page 125, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII

Ilustrasi untuk teks cerita di halaman 125, buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP.

Answer: maybe because he thought that it was a trash trapped in his net.

4. What kind of man do you think the man is? Tell the reason/s.

Answer: the man was living his live grumpily, maybe that because he is not grateful enough.

Thats why something so little can satisfy him enough, he wants more without thinking the effect or capacity, he sinking with his boat.

5. What made the boat capsize?

Answer: too much weight on the fisherman boat.

6. Which moral lesson can you take from the story?

Answer: be grateful for what you got, don't blindly wants too much because you'll became a greedy person.

7. If you were the man, what would you do?

Answer: i'll stop when something caught in my net, i'll bring it home and back to my own life like usual caught some fish everyday.

Itulah tadi jawaban untuk progress check untuk teks cerita di halaman 125. Semoga membantumu, ya!


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