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Jawaban Soal Worksheet 2.15 Page 118, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP Unit 3 Section 4

Ugly Duckling atau Itik buruk rupa adalah dongeng anak yang dibuat oleh Hans Christian Andersen.

- Time: night and day.

- Place: The other side of the river, a farm.

- Characters: The Ugly Duckling, two grown-up chickens, dog, cow.

2. Elements: Complication

Function: Showing the conlict(s) or problem(s) in the stor

Example: Once again, the Ugly Duckling walked away with his head down. He felt heartbroken.

As time passed, the Ugly Duckling grew up. He lew and lew till finally he found a clear pond. He saw some big white birds swimming in the pond.

“Wow, they are very beautiful!” he thought, “but I’m too ugly to be their friend.

- No one wants to be friends with the Ugly Duckling.

- The Ugly Duckling feels that he is very ugly and does not deserve any friends.

Baca Juga: Menjawab Soal Worksheet 2.13 Page 114-115, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP Unit 3 Section 3