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Jawab Soal Worksheet 2.14 Page 117, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Unit 3 Section 4

Ilustrasi fabel Itik Buruk Rupa (Ugly Duckling) karanagan Hans Christian Andersen. - Halo, Kids, kali ini kamu akan kembali melanjutkan materi Bahasa Inggris di buku English For Nusantara kelas VIII SMP.

Kamu masih akan membahas bersama tentang cerita Ugly Duckling, ya, Kids.

Kali ini kamu akan masuk ke Section 4 - Reading di halaman 116-118, nih.

Di halaman 116 kamu akan diperlihatkan tabel tentang rincian elemen dari kisah Ugly Duckling di bagian 1.

Sebelumnya kamu telah membaca kisah Itik Buruk Rupa dan Gajah beserta teman-temannya adalah cerita karangan atau fiksi.

Cerita-cerita ini ditulis dalam genre naratif yang tujuannya untuk menghibur pembacanya.

Kamu diminta melengkapi tabel di halaman 117 dengan berbagai elemen dari cerita Ugly Duckling di bagian 2, nih.

With a classmate, complete the following table with the elements of the Ugly Duckling story part 2.

1. Orientation

- Function: Introducing the time, location, and characters in the story

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Worksheet 2.10, Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Chapter 2 Unit 2 Section 4

a. The Ugly Duckling followed the five yellow ducklings slowly on the hot sunny day

b. “How can you say such a thing?” said Mother Duck.

- Detail:

Time: on a hot sunny day

Place: at the farm

Characters: the Ugly Duckling, five yellow ducklings, Mother Duck

2. Complication

But, they only stared at him. Suddenly, one of them yelled,

“You are not like us. You are very ugly and weak!” the others said in chorus, “Go away!”

They were rude and mean.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Worksheet 2,7, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Chapter 2 Unit 2 Section 2

The Ugly Duckling tried to play with his brothers and sisters, too.

“I can jump and shake my wings!” exclaimed the Ugly Duckling. He was so happy. But, the yellow ducklings yelled, “Go away!”

The yellow ducklings did not want to play with the Ugly Duckling and asked him to go away.

3. Resolution

“You’re different. You are not yellow but gray and brave.” Mother Duck tried to calm him down.

Resolution: Mother Duck calmed him down.

Itulah tadi referensi jawaban untuk worksheet 2.14 buku English For Nusantara halaman 117. 

Di mana latar tempat cerita Ugly Duckling part 2?
Petunjuk, cek lagi halaman 2.


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