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Jawab Soal Worksheet 2.1 dan 2.2, English For Nusantara Kelas VIII Chapter 2 Unit 1 Section 2

Kali ini kamu akan diajak belajar bersama chapter baru yaitu chapter 2, unit 1 yaitu Kindness towards Differences.

g. shy = malu-malu

h. warm = hangat

i. gracefully = dengan anggunnya

j. once upon a time = pada suatu hari

k. at last = akhirnya

1. Once upon a time on a big farm, a Mother Duck sat on her nest

2. "Look at all of you" said Mother Duck with joy.

3. It was a little stubborn. So, Mother Duck sat on her nest again and waited some more.

4. The next day, the big egg cracked open. A shy duckling came out. He was not yellow!

Baca Juga: Chapter 1 Unit 2: Your Turn - Reading Page 50-51, Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

He was gray and bigger than others.

But he was weak and it walked with a funny wobble.

5. At last, the eggs began to crack one by one, five yellow ducklings came out of the eggs.

They shook their wings and said, “Quack, quack”. Then,they walked gracefully.

6. She counted one, two, three,four, five. “Oh, dear! I should have six ducklings!” Mother Duck was worried.

7. The next day, the big egg cracked open. A shy duckling came out. He was not yellow! He was gray and bigger than others. But he was weak and it walked with a funny wobble.

Apa bentuk lampau dari kosa kata 'begin' dalam bahasa Inggris?
Petunjuk, cek lagi halaman 2. 


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