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Chapter 1 Unit 2: Language Focus - Time Connectives Page 47, Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

Di artikel kali ini kamu akan diajak menemukan contoh time connectives dalam bahasa Inggris berdasarkan teks di buku English for Nusantara halaman 43.

, as instructued, all participants lined up and started to march.

- , they marched along the decided route passing some villages near SMP Merdeka

- , the parade reached the rest post.

- drawing a coupon, they continued to parade to their school as the final destination

- returning to school, all participants took some rest while waiting for the door prize announcement.

, the headmaster announced the winner.

Itulah tadi jawaban time connectives dari dalam teks SMP Merdeka's School Parade.

Apa saja contoh time connectives dalam bahasa Inggris?
Petunjuk, cek lagi halaman 1. 


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