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Chapter 1: Section 4 - Language Focus Page 31-32, Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

Tangkap Layar Buku English For Nusantara Kelas VIII SMP, ilustrasi unit 2: Going to a Parade

b. I won the marble in spoon race competition today.

Kamu diminta membaca dialog di section 2 dan section 3.

Identifikasi regular verbs dan irregular verbs. Tulis di worksheet 1.5.

- Regular verbs

a. Today, our school celebrated Independence Day. (Section 2)

b. At first, I didnt. Many climbers also failed to climb up because the tree was slippery (Section 3)

c. and wiped off the grease bit by bit (section 3)

- Irregular verbs

a. I won the marble in spoon race. (Section 2)

b. First, we made a human ladder(Section 3)

Baca Juga: Chapter 0: Irregular dan Regular Verbs Page 14, Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP

c. One of us finally got to the top and threw the prizes to the ground (Section 3)

Apa yang dimaksud dengan recounting?
Petunjuk, cek lagi halaman 1. 


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