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Chapter 14: Vocabulary Exercises Page 186, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan bersama-sama belajar dan menjawab soal-soal pada chapter 14 section Vocabulary Exercises di hlm. 186, nih.

6. The ________ is elastic. It can stretch as long as 60 centimeters.

Answer: bowstring

7. She _________ to speak in her father's presence.

Answer: fears.

8. The great, fearless _______ fought for his beloved country.

Answer: warrior

9. They used ________ to pull the carts.

Answer: rope

10. The ________ blew the young man's hat.

Answer: wind

11. The _____________ invisible hand helps her solve the chronic problem.

Baca Juga: Chapter 9: Vocabulary and Fill in the Blank Page 126, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Answer: Invisible

12. The __________ was pulled by two dogs.

Answer: Sled

13. The girl is _________ and beautiful.

Answer: gentle

Nah, Kids, itu tadi jawaban untuk beberapa kalimat rumpang di vocabulary exercises chapter 14 halaman 186. Semoga membantu!

Apa yang dimaksud dengan kosa kata 'rags'?
Petunjuk, cek lagi hlm. 2.


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