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Chapter 14: Reading Comprehension Task 2 Page 185, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan diajak menjawab bersama soal-soal di reading comprehension chapter 14 task 2 di hlm. 185. Apa saja jawabannya? - Kids, kali ini kamu akan kembali melanjutkan materi bahasa Inggris kelas X, nih.

Di artikel sebelumnya kamu sudah membahas reading comprehension task 1 di hlm. 183-185.

Nah, kali ini kamu akan masuk ke reading comprehension task 2 di hlm. 185.

Kamu diminta membaca teks dengan seksama sebelum menjawab beberapa pertanyaan di halaman itu, Kids.

Lalu, seperti apa jawaban yang sesuai untuk menjawab daftar pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu, ya?

Yuk, simak referensi jawaban reading comprehension task 2 di hlm. 185.

1. Who is Strong Wind?

Answer: He was a great warrior who lived in a tent by the sea.

2. What was Strong Wind's special capability?

Baca Juga: Chapter 12: Reading Comprehension Task 3 Page 160, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Answer: Strong Wind was able to make himself invisible.

3. How would Strong Wind's sister know that the girls were lying?

Answer: By identifying their guesses. If their guesses were wrong, she could conclude that the girls were lying.

4. Who burned the chief's youngest daughter?

Answer: Her elders sisters burned her face.

5. Who could see Strong Wind and how could she do that?

Answer: The chief's youngest daughter. She could do this because Strong Wind had let her see him.

6. How did the chief's youngest daughter regain her old face?

Answer: Strong Wind's sister washed her face and the face clean again.

7. What did Strong Wind change into an aspen tree?

Answer: The chief's elder daughters was turned into aspen trees.

Baca Juga: Chapter 10: Reading Comprehension Task 2 Page 136-137, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

8. Did Strong Wind know that the chief's elder daughters were rude to their youngest sister? Justify your answer.

Answer: Yes, he knew that.

9. Why did Strong Wind decide to have the chief's youngest daughter as his wife?

Answer: Because she was a honest girl.

10. If you were in the story, which role would you play? Why?

Answer: If I were in the story, I would like to be the Strong Wind, because he has a special capability, he able to make himself invisible, i think that must be fun to see other without being noticable.

Itulah tadi beberapa jawaban pertanyaan untuk reading comprehension task 2 di hlm. 185. Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat, ya!


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