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Chapter 13: Vocabulary Exercises Page 173-174, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan diajak masuk ke bagian Vocabulary exercises di halaman 173-174. Apa saja jawabannya?

3. "Is that Anna?" "I can't _______ her. She looks different when she's wearing kebaya and Sanggul.

Answer: recognize

4. The thief _______ stealing the motorcycle when he was interviewed at the police station.

Answer: denied

5. Captain Hook is the character of a famous _____ in the story of Peter Pan.

Answer: pirate

6. In the past, the _______ took their trading goods around the country using sailing boats.

Answer: merchant

7. Some people in big cities have to ________ by collecting plastic bottles to sell in the recycling factories.

Answer: live hard

8. When the hive was hit by a stone, the bees ______ the boys with their stings.

Baca Juga: Chapter 9: Vocabulary and Fill in the Blank Page 126, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA