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Chapter 12: Text Structure Task 1 Page 163, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan mengisi tabel text structure di chapter 12 hlm. 163 bersama-sama dengan GridKids, nih. Seperti apa jawabannya?

He lived in Palace and became the Princess's man.

Part of the story: The problem in the story (complication)

Details: Some day Princess and Issumboshi went out to worship at the Kiyomizu Temple but suddenly there was a strong wind and some demons appeared.

The leader of the demons tried to grab Princess and Issumboshi help.

The demons lose to Issumboshi so the demons give a magic hammer that will grant you a wish.

The princess waved the magic hammer and asked Issumboshi become big and it's happened.

Part of the story: The ending of the story (resolution)

They went back to the palace and the Princess asked the King to let her marry Issumboshi.

Then they got married, they invited Grandfather and Grandmother to live with them in the palace. They lived happily ever after.

Nah, itulah tadi jawaban yang bisa kamu pakai untuk mengisi tabel text structure di hlm. 163.


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