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Chapter 12: Vocabulary Exercises Page 162, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Seperti apa jawaban untuk soal-soal vocabulary exercises di chapter 12 hlm. 162? - Halo, Kids, kali ini kamu akan diajak belajar materi bahasa Inggris kelas X di chapter 12, nih.

Kamu diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata yang ada dalam kotak di section Vocabulary Exercises.

Soal-soal itu ada dalam materi chapter 12 yaitu Issumboshi, ya.

Sebelum melengkapi kalimat-kalimatnya, yuk simak terjemahan dan jawabannya di bawah ini, Kids.

Terjemahan Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris

1. Couple = pasangan

2. Bullying = perundungan

3. Retainer = gaji atau upah

4. Demon = iblis

5. Gift = hadiah

6. Respectable = terhormat

Baca Juga: Chapter 11: Vocabulary Exercises Page 148-149, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

7. Stabbed = ditikam

8. Raised = membesarkan

9. Anchor = jangkar

10. Worship = menyembah

Jawaban Vocabulary Exercises

1. The newly-married ______ have just moved into the new house.

Answer: couple

2. I feel thankful for the way my parents have _______ me.

Answer: raised

3. The school has a very excellent program to stop __________.

Answer: bullying

Baca Juga: Chapter 10: Vocabulary Exercises Page 137-138, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

4. The children were very frightened when there was a __________ in the story they were watching on television.

Answer: demon

5. This is the most precious ________ that Nina has ever received from her parents.

Answer: gift

6. Many big ferries of domestic as well as overseas companies__________ at Tanjung Perak every day.

Answer: anchor

7. Ancient people sometimes used very big trees to ___________.

Answer: worship

8. Issumboshi then became the princess's _______.

Answer: retainer

9. The police found the dead man in the apartment. They suspected that thieves had ________ him.

Baca Juga: Chapter 9: Vocabulary and Fill in the Blank Page 126, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Answer: stabbed

10. Mr. Muslih is a very __________ village head. He seems to be in control of the village matters.

Answer: respectable

Nah, Kids, itulah tadi beberapa jawaban dari soal-soal berupa kalimat tak selesai di chapter 12 itu. Semoga membantumu menjawab, ya!


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