Answer: The marriage greatly boosted the morale of Aceh armies in their fight against Dutch.
9. Why did Teuku Umar surrender to the Dutch in 1893?
Answer: Because Teuku Umar's army undersupllied.
10. How was Teuku Umar killed?
Answer: Umar was killed during a battle when the Dutch launched a surprise attack on him in Meulaboh.
11. According to the text, how should an Acehnese woman respond to the death of her family member in a war?
Answer: As Acehnese women, they may not shed tears for those who have been martyred.
12. What did Cut Nyak Dhien suffer from when she was old?
Answer: Cut Nyak Dhien suffered from nearsightedness and arthritis.
13. What was done by Cut Gambang after Cut Nyak Dhien was captured?
Answer: Cut Gambang escaped and continued the resistance.
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