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Chapter 9: Grammar Review Task 2 Page 128, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan diajak menjawab bersama soal di grammar review task 2 di chapter 9 hlm. 127.

4. Don't cheat in exam. Cheating means that you _________ your own life principle.

Answer: break

5. The robber ________to surrender, but the police persuaded them to give up.

Answer: advanced

6. Never_____ best friends for our own advantage because best friends are like precious treasure.

Answer: betray

7. On every Sunday morning, the student organizations and their members regularly ______ to the town square to entertain and educate people to reduce the use of plastic in daily life.

Answer: rally

8. He could finally graduate from high school despite the financial problems that he faced. He ________ his life problems successfully. Learn from him.

Answer: conquered

9. The ceremony in remembrance or our founding fathers and mothers ________ in the training field. The ceremony was a tribute to them.

Baca Juga: Chapter 7: Grammar Review Task 2 hlm. 102, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Answer: took place

10. When I was in Columbus, America. I heard Tanah Pusaka song. I _________ very emotionally touched, and I even cried. I missed Indonesia, my beloved country.

Answer: felt

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