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Chapter 9: Vocabulary and Fill in the Blank Page 126, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kids, kali ini kamu akan diajak menjawab bersama soal-soal di vocabulary di chapter 9: The Battle of Surabaya, hlm. 126. - Hai, Kids, kali ini kamu akan melanjutkan materi Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA.

Kamu masih ada di Chapter 9: The Battle of Surabaya di hlm. 126, kamu diminta menjawab soal-soal pada section Vocabulary, Kids.

Kamu diminta mengisi bagian yang kosong dengan kosa kata yang tepat.

Kamu juga diminta untuk mengganti verb-nya ke past tense jika diperlukan.

Yuk, lengkapi sama-sama soal vocabularynya di bawah ini!

Fill in the blanks with the right word. Don't forget to change the verbs into past tense when necessary.

1. The freedom fighters were forced to ___________, but their faith in God and people's dream strengthened them to keep on fighting against the aggressors.

Answer: Surrender

2. The ________ militia refused to obey the British army's instruction to surrender their weaponry to them.

Answer: Defiant

3. The city was under ______ so that nobody could get in or get out of the city. Luckily, the people depended on no one for their food.

Baca Juga: Chapter 8: Vocabulary Excercises Task 2 hlm. 113, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA