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Chapter 8: Vocabulary Excercises Task 2 hlm. 113, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kamu akan diajak melihat bersama jawaban untuk vocabulary exercises chapter 8 task 2 di hlm. 113, nih. Apa saja jawabannya?

3. Amazing = luar biasa atau menakjubkan

4. Autograph = tanda tangan.

5. Showed up = muncul

6. Friendly = ramah

7. Speechless = terdiam

8. Crowd = kerumunan orang

9. Nervous = gugup

10. Excited = gembira

1. One of the reson why I like to study in this class is because all my classmates are . They are alwas nice to me.

2. I was surprised when a big birthday cake suddenly from under the table. It has been hidden there for my surprise birthday party.

Baca Juga: Chapter 6: Vocabulary Exercises, Complete the Blank, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA