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Chapter 7: Vocabulary Exercises Page 101-102, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan diajak melihat vocabulary exercises di chapter 7, seperti apa jawabannya?

1. Wright brothers were great _____________. Airplane was their great ___________.

answer: inventors, invention.

2. One of the essential ____________ in the kitchen is a knife which is used in almost all cooking activities.

answer: tools

3. "Do you see that big H on the ground?" "That's a spot for ___________ landing"

answer: helicopter

4. It's bright, sunny, and windy today. The kids must be very happy because they can go out and play __________.

Answer: kites.

5. The students are in the biology lab today. They are going to conduct an ___________ with frogs!

answer: experiment.

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