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Chapter 6: Reading Announcement Text Page 86, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

Kali ini kamu akan diajak membahas ide utama pada announcement text di chapter 6 hlm. 86. Seperti apa uraiannya? - Halo, Kids, kamu akan melanjutkan kembali materi Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA bersama GridKids, nih.

Setelah sebelumnya kamu mengerjakan finding main idea and details di text 1 hlm. 85, kamu akan beralih ke text 2, ya, Kids.

Pada text 2 kamu masih diminta membaca text dengan seksama lalu melanjutkannya dengan mengidentifikasi ide utama dari paragraf dalam announcement text-nya.

Yuk, coba susun dan temukan ide utama juga detail dari announcement text-nya sama-sama, Kids!

Text 2: Find the Main Idea and Details

a. Paragraph 1

: The McMaster Mini-Med School announces the commencement of the 2009 program.


- The school welcomes the 2009 students.

- The term lasts for seven weeks.

- The term begins Tuesday March 3, 2009.

Baca Juga: Chapter 5: Writing Task 1 (Part 1) hlm. 78, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

b. Paragraph 2

: Registration of McMaster Mini-Med School will occur on a first-come basis.

- The registration as the response for the previous years was tremendous, as it is advised to reoster as soon as possible.

- After all the student spots are full, all others will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted when spots become available.

c. Paragraph 3

: Along by registration fees participants receive some goodies.


The goodies that participant of this school, included:

- A reseved spot in the McMaster Mini-Med School Class 2015.

- An 'official' Mini-Med School tote bag

- An 'official' Mini-Med School Clipboard and Pen

Baca Juga: Chapter 5: Grammar Review Task 2 hlm. 77, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA

- An 'official' Mini-Med School Stadium blanket

- An 'official' Mini-Med School travel book light

- A McMaster Mini-Med School Certificate of Attendance that will be presented on the last day of classes.

d. Paragraph 4

: For more information of list of speakers and further information there is a following website for the participant.


- In that website there is a further information of registration and fees.

- There is also register online by visiting website furthermore in the announcement text.

Berapa lama ketentuan dari program yang tercantum dalam announcement text-nya berlaku?
Petunjuk, cek lagi hlm. 1.


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