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Chapter 4: Vocabulary Exercises hlm.60, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Kamu masih akan membahas berbagai kosa kata bahasa Inggris terkait teks 'Taj Mahal' di chapter 4, Kids.

Baca Juga: Chapter 4: Reading 'Taj Mahal' and Answering Question, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

6. Adorns = Menghiasi

7. Octagonal = segi delapan

8. Tinge = Semburat

9. Slender = Ramping

10. Intricate = Rumit

11. Inlaid = Dihiasi

12. Mausoleum = Makam mewah

13. Epitome = Lambang

1. The very intricate designs of the white marble palace shows an of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated architect to his/her work.

2. The walls of the building are with beautiful carving and precious stones.