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Kunci Jawaban Comprehension Questions hlm. 8, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Kali ini kamu akan diajak menjawab daftar comprehension questions di hlm.8 buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA. - Good morning, Kids! Hope you got a nice day today!

Kembali lagi di artikel kali ini bersama GridKids untuk belajar bersama materi Bahasa Inggris kelas X, nih.

Sebelumnya kamu sudah mencoba menemukan ide utama dari e-mail dan surat.

Nah, kali ini kamu diminta mengerjakan Task 3, membaca pertanyaan berdasarkan dua surat untuk sahabat pena yang kamu baca sebelumnya.

Yuk, jawab bersama comprehension questions di hlm. 8 sama-sama, Kids!

1. How does Hannah contact Alia? Is there anybody introducing Hannah to Alia?

Answer: Hannah know about Alia from her friend, Caroline.

2. Does Hannah want to be Alia's friend?

Answer: Hannah really like the idea of being Alia's E-pal (E-mail pen pal).

3. Where does Hannah study?

Baca Juga: Reading E-mail and Letter and Find The Main Idea, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Answer: Hannah attend Thomaas Edison High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

4. Tell me about Hannah's family!

Answer: Hannah have two brothers and two half sisters, she also the middle child.

Hannah's father passed away years ago, now her mom runs the house and family business.

5. What are Hannah's hobbies?

Answer: Hannah have a lot of hobbies, from music, sports, interested in art, geography, also loved animals.

6. Does she like animals? What animals does she have?

Answer: Yes, she like animals so much. She has three dogs at home.

7. What profession would she like to have after graduating from her school?

Answer: She wished to be a park ranger when she graduate later, she wants to work for National Parks Service.

8. Have you ever written an email to penpal? When?

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Answer: Yes, i used to send e-mail for new year greeting to my internet friend. Since then i have few penpal who sent each other letter every new year.

1. Does Saidah want to be Alia's friend?

Answer: Yes, she is.

2. Where is she from?

Answer: Saidah coming from Johor Bahru in Malaysia.

3. Where does Saidah study?

Answer: Saidah attend an Islamic boarding school outside the city she coming from.

4. Tell me about Saidah's family!

Answer: Saidah have and elder sister who is a medical doctor.

Her younger brother is an elementary school student.

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5. What are Saidah's hobbies?

Answer: Saidah really into song and music, watching movies, and reading book.

6. Does she have favorite singers? (If yes, who are they?)

Answer: Yes. One Direction is Saidah's favorite boyband. She also like Siti Nurhaliza, one of famous Malay Singer.

7. Does she like reading books? Which authors does she like?

Answer: Yes, Saidah really into book. She likes reading novels and short stories.

She likes J.K. Rowling, Andrea Hirata, and Ahmad Fuadi.

8. What profession would she like to have later?

Answer: She wants to be a writer of science fiction books someday.

9. Is she interested in visiting Indonesia? How does she know Indonesia?

Answer: Yep, Saidah wish to come to Indonesia some day. She wants to see and come to Raja Ampat in Papua.

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10. Have you ever written a letter to get a pen pal? When?

Answer: Yep, i got pen pal from Singapore backthen.

We tell each other about our interest in humanities also our favorite music. Having someone to talk about our interest was really fun.

Writing letter and reading the replies also fun, even it takes times to received the replies.


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