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Jawab Pertanyaan Exercises A-C Hal.14, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

Terdapat lima pertanyaan yang terdapat di setiap exercises, yaitu A. Subjective Pronouns, B. Objective Pronouns, dan C. Possessive Adjectives.

4. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with them.

5. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She talked about it frequently these days.

C. Possessive Adjectives:

1. I am going to wash my hand. 

2. Do you like your pen pals? 

3. His hobby is reading the biography of famous people. 

4. She is sixteen and her school is in Minneapolis.

5. They run their family business themselves because their father died last year.

Nah, kamu dapat menggunakan jawaban di atas sebagai referensi untuk menjawab pertanyaan Exercises A-C halaman 14, materi bahasa Inggris kelas X.

Pertanyaan: Apa yang dimaksud dengan pronouns?

Petunjuk: Cek di halaman 1.


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