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Jawab Pertanyaan Progress Check 2 Chapter 3 dan 4, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP

Pada artikel ini kita akan menjawab pertanyaan Progress Check 2 Chapter 3 dan 4, materi bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP.

Jawaban: c. They are talking about the art assignment

7. What is the similarity between what Andre and Made's group will make?

a. They will use plastic bottles for their projectb. They will shape it into a carpetc. They cannot wait to see the resultd. They will make something from unused materials.

Jawaban: b. They will shape it into a carpet

8. What will Andre's group make?

a. a carpet from a household waste collectionb. a pencil casec. a pencil holderd. a mat from a household waste collection

Jawaban: c. a pencil holder

9. Why does Andre think that the thing that Made's group will make is interesting?

a. It is interesting because it is made from plastic materialb. It is interesting because he has never heard of thatc. It is interesting because he cannot wait to see the resultd. It is interesting because he washes and dries the material irst

Jawaban: b. It is interesting because he has never heard of that

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