Instructions: Read and complete the flyer for the Anti-Bullying Campaign run by SMP Merdeka by using the words in the box below.
1. Don’t respond immediately to any nasty [messages] you receive.
(Jangan langsung menanggapi [pesan] buruk apa pun yang kamu terima.)
2. Take [screenchots] and save messages so you have proof of what has happened.
(Ambil [tangkapan layar] dan simpan pesan sehingga kamu memiliki bukti tentang apa yang telah terjadi)
3. Try to stop frequently checking [posts].
(Usahakan untuk berhenti sering mengecek [postingan].)
4. Log off the [sites] where cyberbullying is taking place.
(Keluar dari [situs] tempat terjadinya perundungan dunia maya berlangsung.)
5. If you [change] your phone number, only give out your number to close friends.
Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 5.17 Hal.313, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP