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Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 5.7 Hal.286, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP

(tangkapan layar) Pada buku English for Nusantara materi bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP terdapat pertanyaan Worksheet 5.7.

have: mempunyai

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Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 5.7 Hal.286

Instructions: Listen to Ibu Ida’s explanation (audio 5.5) on how to make a pocket book.

On the next page, complete the paragraph by choosing the correct word from the box.

1. “Okay students, I will show you how to make a pocket story book.

2. You will need a piece of paper and scissors.

3. First, fold the paper into eights.

4. After that, unfold the paper.

5.You will see eight panels that will be the pages of the book.

Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan dari Worksheet 5.3 Section 3 Hal. 278, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP