Untuk mengetahui referensi jawaban dari Worksheet 2.10 Hal 98, bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP, simak informasi di bawah ini.
Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 2.10 Hal.98
Instructions: Interview a classmate about an excursion at Lestari National Park following the map. Make a question list before you interview your friend. Number one has been done for you as an example.
1. Question: Where did you gather with your friends before the excursion trip?
Answer: We gathered at Lestari National Park gate. It is number 1 on the map.
2. Question: What did you see in the dedication area?
Answer: I saw some trees.
3. Question: Where did you see the flowers?
Answer: I saw the flowers in the flowers area.
Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 2.5 Hal.88, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP
4. Question: What did you do in the fruit area?
Answer: I ate some fruits there.
Nah, demikianlah informasi tentang referensi jawaban dari pertanyaan Worksheet 2.10 Hal.98.
Pertanyaan: Nomor 4 pada peta Taman Nasional Lestari menunjukkan area apa? |
Petunjuk: Cek di halaman 1. |
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