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Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 2.10 Hal.98, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP

Pada buku English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka, ada sebuah peta wilayah Taman Nasional Lestari.

Untuk mengetahui referensi jawaban dari Worksheet 2.10 Hal 98, bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP, simak informasi di bawah ini.

Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 2.10 Hal.98

Instructions: Interview a classmate about an excursion at Lestari National Park following the map. Make a question list before you interview your friend. Number one has been done for you as an example.


1. Question: Where did you gather with your friends before the excursion trip?

Answer: We gathered at Lestari National Park gate. It is number 1 on the map.

2. Question: What did you see in the dedication area?

Answer: I saw some trees.

3. Question: Where did you see the flowers?

Answer: I saw the flowers in the flowers area.

Baca Juga: Jawab Pertanyaan Worksheet 2.5 Hal.88, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX SMP

4. Question: What did you do in the fruit area?

Answer: I ate some fruits there.

Nah, demikianlah informasi tentang referensi jawaban dari pertanyaan Worksheet 2.10 Hal.98.

Pertanyaan: Nomor 4 pada peta Taman Nasional Lestari menunjukkan area apa?
Petunjuk: Cek di halaman 1.


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