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Contoh Report Text tentang Alat Elektronik dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh report text alat elektronik dalam bahasa Inggris.

Various radio channels at this time have been very developed with a variety of capabilities. In addition, the voice actors on the radio are also not monotonous men.

There are also women who host radio shows. Then, the clarity of the sound on the radio is affected by the signal. On classic radios, there is an antenna that can be pulled to find the right signal.

The typical shape of the radio is oval and elongated, there is also a rectangular box. You can imagine radio with classic to modern models is almost the same.

There are holes in the radio design to let the sound out. So, there is no radio without a hole, because it needs a place to output the incoming audio.

Everything that is heard on the radio seems more interesting than on a cell phone or television.

The announcer's melodious voice seemed to bring his listeners to feel what was being discussed. The uniqueness of this object that can only be heard is very impressive.


Masyarakat tempo dulu familier dengan alat penyalur informasi yang ditemukan Guglielmo Marconi.

Radio adalah media komunikasi yang digunakan hingga saat ini karena tidak bergambar dan hanya berupa audio.

Menariknya, radio memiliki banyak bentuk, sehingga memudahkan siapa pun untuk membawanya. Ukuran radio ada yang kecil seperti handphone, ada juga yang besar, namun tidak sebesar televisi.

Baca Juga: 7 Kaidah Kebahasaan Penulisan Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dalam contoh teks deskripsi tentang radio, terlihat bahwa umumnya radio berwarna abu-abu dan hitam.