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Contoh Report Text tentang Benda Luar Angkasa dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh report text tentang benda luar angkasa.

This sun has a temperature that can be said to be extraordinarily hot. The heat of the sun's core reaches 15 million degrees Celsius. Where the surface temperature of the sun reaches 5,726 degrees Celsius.

With heat reaching 15 million degrees Celsius, this indicates that the sun has a temperature 150 times hotter than boiling water. The radius of the sun is approximately 696 thousand kilometers.

The gravitational pressure possessed by the sun can be said to be very high. Coupled with the effects of nuclear reactions in the sun, it can also produce extraordinary amounts of energy. In the end, this energy is released into space and can be felt on earth.

This energy that comes from the sun can be used to support life on earth. It is humans and plants that use this energy. Therefore, it can be said that the sun is the most important source of energy for living things on earth.

(Penulis: Vanya Karunia Mulia Putri)


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